
- 邹海峰主编 著
- 出版社: 广东世界图书出版公司
- ISBN:7506264730
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:530页
- 文件大小:46MB
- 文件页数:540页
- 主题词:暂缺
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Why One Must Conquer Oral English Quickly?1
1 为什么口语一定要速成?1
Why One Must Conquer Oral English Quickly?1
2 怎样才能速成口语?4
How Can We Conquer Oral English Quickly?4
3 口语速成助你攀上人生新高峰5
Oral English Express Helps You Attain New Height in Your Life第一章:口语速成秘籍The Knacks of Express English第一节:口语速成的四大心法8
The Four Requirements of Express English苦心—激情是第一要素Passion Comes First8
真心—合适的就是最好Find the Suitable and Best WayFor Yourself9
信心—大胆开口说英语Speak English Aloud10
耐心—坚持就能创奇迹Perseverance Brings Miracle11
to you第二节 口语速成的五大关键词12
The Five Keywords of Express English1 关键词一:实践Practice12
2 关键词二:模仿Imitation13
3 关键词三:复习Reviewing15
4 关键词四:重点Emphasis16
5 关键词五:贴近Close to Life17
Six Unique Methods to Master Express English绝招一 单词扩张法Vocabulary Extending Method23
绝招二 核心句型法Core Sentence Pattern Method28
绝招三 步步高造句Making Sentences with New Words46
绝招四 两人对话法Dialogues Between Two Persons65
绝招五 仿真复述法Retelling Method86
绝招六 主题讨论法Subject Discussion Method96
第二章:口语速成的第一境界:掌握基础知识The First Stage of Express English:Obtain the Basic Knowledge第一节:口语第一境界:同上高楼望尽天涯路102
The First Stage:Pave Your Way to Success第二节:通向第一境界的7个阶梯103
The Seven Ladders to the First Stage of ExpressEnglish阶梯一:直接英语思维103
Ladder 1:Direct English Thinking1 词汇思维English Vocabulary Thinking105
2 语法思维Grammar Thinking107
3 英语思维操练秘籍125
Method to Practice English Thinking阶梯二:快速掌握发音128
Ladder 3:Crash English Words1 单词记忆Words Memorization136
Ladder 2:Master English Pronunciation Quickly阶梯三:智闯单词难关136
2 词组和短语Phrases145
Ladder 4:Sentences are Power1 英语五种句型武器Five Basic Sentence Weapons159
2 十一颗句型炮弹Eleven Sentence Shots173
Ladder 5:Dialogue is Pivotal阶梯六:学会界定事物218
Ladder 6:Learn to Define Things阶梯七:学会简单复述221
Ladder 7:Learn to Retell1 听音复述Listen Retell222
2 阅读复述Read Retell225
第三章:口语速成的第二境界:掌握技巧 左右逢源The Second Stage of Express English:Master Skills第一节:口语第二境界:为伊消得人憔悴240
The Second Stage:Put Yourself Out of the Wayto Learn English第二节 通向第二境界的6个阶梯242
The Six Ladders to the Second Stage ofExpress English阶梯一:巧用英语字典242
Ladder 1:Using an English Dictionary Intelligently阶梯二:深刻掌握词汇246
Ladder 2:Become a Master of Vocabulary阶梯三:熟悉习惯用语258
Ladder 3:Familiarize Yourself with Idioms Slang阶梯四:英语电影、歌曲269
Ladder 4:English Movies Songs阶梯五:听广播提高口语293
Ladder 5:Improve Your Oral English by Listening阶梯六:精通专业领域312
Ladder 6:Focus on Your Professional Field第四章:口语速成的第三境界:流利英语The Third Stage of Express English:Fluent English第一节:口语第三境界:蓦然回首灯火阑珊336
The Third Stage:Becoming an Expert第二节:通向第三境界的3个阶梯338
The Three Ladders to the Third Stage ofExpress English阶梯一:精确得体338
Ladder 1:Accuracy Appropriateness1 精确英语Accurate English340
2 得体英语Appropriate English354
Ladder 2:Translate Freely阶梯三:雄辩天下390
Ladder 3:Giving Eloquent Lectures第五章:速成实战 精彩人生Practical English Enriches Your Life第一节:最佳速成词汇大挑战424
The Practice of Best Vocabulary第二节:最佳语音训练句子大挑战466
The Practice of the Best Sentences forPronunciation Training第三节:最佳句型大挑战473
The Practice of the Best Sentence Patterns第四节:最佳对话大挑战478
The Practice of Best Dialogues第五节:最深刻文化碰撞500
The Most Impressive Culture Shock第六节:最具生活气息影视英语训练505
Most Lifelike English in Movies and Television第七节:最具感染力英语广播训练512
Most Impressive English Broadcasting第八节:最佳演讲大挑战520
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