iOS 4编程Cookbook 影印版 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- VandadNahavandipoor著 著
- 出版社: 南京:东南大学出版社
- ISBN:9787564126858
- 出版时间:2011
- 标注页数:619页
- 文件大小:47MB
- 文件页数:635页
- 主题词:面向对象语言-程序设计-英文
iOS 4编程Cookbook 影印版 英文PDF格式电子书版下载
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1.Working with Objects1
1.1 Implementing and Using Custom Objects2
1.2 Allocating and Initializing Objects6
1.3 Defining Two or More Methods with the Same Name in an Object8
1.4 Defining and Accessing Properties11
1.5 Managing Properties Manually13
1.6 Reusing a Block of Code16
1.7 Communicating with Objects19
1.8 Invoking the Selectors of an Object Dynamically25
1.9 Managing Memory with the iOS SDK27
1.10 Managing Untyped Objects29
2.Implementing Controllers and Views31
2.1 Getting and Using the Application Delegate31
2.2 Managing the Views in Your Application33
2.3 Creating Your Application's GUI35
2.4 Making Your View Controller Available at Runtime37
2.5 Using a View in Your Application's GUI39
2.6 Managing Master-Detail Views41
2.7 Managing Multiple Views48
2.8 Incorporating and Using Models in the GUI50
2.9 Implementing Navigation Bars54
2.10 Switching from One View to Another61
2.11 Setting the Title on a Navigation Bar62
2.12 Displaying an Image for the Title of the Navigation Bar63
2.13 Creating and Managing Buttons on a Navigation Bar64
2.14 Removing a View from a Navigation Controller69
2.15 Manipulating a Navigation Controller's Array of View Controllers70
2.16 Incorporating a Tab Bar into Your Application71
2.17 Pop Up Additional Information over iPad UI Elements74
3.Constructing and Using TableViews87
3.1 Creating a Table View Using Interface Builder87
3.2 Creating a Table View Using Code89
3.3 Assigning an Event Handler to a Table View Using Interface Builder90
3.4 Assigning an Event Handler to a Table View Using Xcode92
3.5 Populating a Table View with Data94
3.6 Receiving and Handling Table View Events99
3.7 Using Different Types of Accessories in a Table View100
3.8 Creating Custom Table View Accessories103
3.9 Customizing the Appearance of a Table View's Contents105
3.10 Displaying Hierarchical Data110
3.11 Effectively Managing Memory with Table Views112
3.12 Editing and Moving Data in a Table View115
3.13 Enabling Swipe Deletion124
3.14 Grouping Data127
4.Core Location and Maps141
4.1 Creating a Map Using Interface Builder142
4.2 Creating a Map Using Code143
4.3 Handling the Events of a Map146
4.4 Pinpointing a Device's Location147
4.5 Displaying Built-in Pins on a Map View151
4.6 Displaying Pins with Different Colors on a Map View154
4.7 Creating and Displaying Custom Pins on a Map View160
4.8 Retrieving Meaningful Addresses Using Spatial Coordinates163
4.9 Retrieving Spatial Coordinates Using Meaningful Addresses165
5.Implementing Gesture Recognizers173
5.1 Detecting Swipe Gestures175
5.2 Reacting to Rotation Gestures177
5.3 Detecting Panning and Dragging Gestures185
5.4 Detecting Long Press Gestures188
5.5 Responding to Tap Gestures191
5.6 Responding to Pinch Gestures194
6.Networking and XML197
6.1 Opening and Reading a Local XML File197
6.2 Parsing an XML File into Objects204
6.3 Downloading Files Svnchronously213
6.4 Downloading Files Asynchronously215
6.5 Reading and Parsing Remote XML Files218
6.6 Caching Files in Memory228
6.7 Caching Files on Disk233
7.Operations,Threads,and Timers251
7.1 Running Tasks Svnchronously253
7.2 Running Tasks Asynchronously261
7.3 Creating a Dependency Between Tasks269
7.4 Pefforming a Task After a Delay272
7.5 Performing Periodic Tasks273
7.6 Performing Periodic Tasks Efficiently278
7.7 Initializing Threads Implicitly284
7.8 Exiting Threads and Timers285
7.9 Avoiding Memory Leaks in Threads288
8.Audio and Video293
8.1 Playing Audio Files293
8.2 Handling Interruptions While Playing Audio Files297
8.3 Recording Audio Files298
8.4 Handling Interruptions While Recording Audio Files305
8.5 Playing Audio over Other Sounds That Are Playing307
8.6 Playing Video Files311
8.7 Capturing Thumbnails from a Video File Asvnchronously315
8.8 Accessing the iPod Library in Response to a User Request319
9.Address Book327
9.1 Accessing the Address Book328
9.2 Retrieving All the People in the Address Book331
9.3 Retrieving Properties of Address Book Entries332
9.4 Inserting a Person Entry in the User's Address Book336
9.5 Inserting a Group Entry in the User's Address Book339
9.6 Adding Persons to Groups341
9.7 Searching in the Address Book344
9.8 Retrieving and Setting a Person's Address Book Image350
10.Camera and the Photo Library357
10.1 Detecting and Probing the Camera359
10.2 Taking Photos with the Camera364
10.3 Taking Videos with the Camera368
10.4 Storing Photos in the Photo Library372
10.5 Storing Videos in the Photo Library375
10.6 Retrieving Photos and Videos from the Photo Library378
10.7 Retrieving Assets from the Assets Library380
10.8 Editing Videos on an iOS Device388
11.1 Detecting the Availability of Multitasking401
11.2 Completing a Long-Running Task in the Background402
11.3 Receiving Local Notifications in the Background407
11.4 Playing Audio in the Background415
11.5 Handling Location Changes in the Background419
11.6 Saving and Loading the State of a Multitasking iOS Application424
11.7 Handling Network Connections in the Background430
11.8 Handling Notifications Delivered to a Waking Application435
11.9 Handling Locale Changes in the Background438
11.10 Responding to Changes in an Application's Settings440
11.11 Opting Out of Background Execution442
12.Core Data445
12.1 Creating a Core Data Model with Xcode447
12.2 Creating and Using Core Data Model Classes451
12.3 Creating and Saving Data Using Core Data453
12.4 Loading Data Using Core Data456
12.5 Deleting Data Using Core Data458
12.6 Sorting Data Using Core Data477
12.7 Boosting Data Access in Table Views480
12.8 Implementing Relationships with Core Data492
13.Event Kit499
13.1 Retrieving the List of Calendars502
13.2 Adding Events to Calendars504
13.3 Accessing the Contents of Calendars507
13.4 Removing Events from Calendars512
13.5 Adding Recurring Events to Calendars523
13.6 Retrieving the Attendees of an Event528
13.7 Adding Alarms to Calendars534
13.8 Handling Event Changed Notifications537
13.9 Presenting Event View Controllers540
13.10 Presenting Event Edit View Controllers546
14.1 Drawing Basic Shapes on a Graphics Context552
14.2 Drawing Paths on a Graphics Context555
14.3 Drawing Images on a Graphics Context561
14.4 Capturing the Screen Contents into an Image563
14.5 Drawing Text with Core Graphics568
15.Core Motion573
15.1 Detecting the Availability of an Accelerometer574
15.2 Detecting the Availability of a Gyroscope577
15.3 Retrieving Accelerometer Data578
15.4 Detecting a Shake on an iOS Device584
15.5 Retrieving Gyroscope Data590
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