
核物理学 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

核物理学 英文
  • (美)波特兰尼(BertulaniC.A.)著 著
  • 出版社: 北京;西安:世界图书出版公司
  • ISBN:7510058240
  • 出版时间:2013
  • 标注页数:473页
  • 文件大小:71MB
  • 文件页数:485页
  • 主题词:核物理学-英文


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0.1 What is Nuclear Physics?1

0.2 This Book3

1 Hadrons4

1.1 Nucleons4

1.2 Nuclear Forces5

1.3 Pions7

1.4 Antiparticles8

1.5 Inversion and Parity8

1.6 Isospin and Baryonic Number10

1.7 Isospin Invariance13

1.8 Magnetic Moment of the Nucleons14

1.9 Strangeness and Hypercharge15

1.10 Quantum Chromodynamics21

1.11 Exercises29

2 The Two-Nucleon System31

2.1 Introduction31

2.2 Electrostatic Multipoles32

2.3 Magnetic Moment with Spin-orbit Coupling34

2.4 Experimental Data for the Deuteron36

2.5 A Square-well Model for the Deuteron38

2.6 The Deuteron Wave function41

2.6.1 Angular momentum coupling41

2.6.2 Two particles of spin 1/242

2.6.3 Total wavefunction43

2.7 Particles in the Continuum:Scattering46

2.8 Partial Wave Expansion49

2.9 Low Energy Scattering53

2.10 Effective Range Theory59

2.11 Proton-Proton Scattering61

2.12 Neutron-Neutron Scattering64

2.13 High Energy Scattering65

2.14 Laboratory and Center of Mass Systems65

2.15 Exercises68

3 The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction71

3.1 Introduction71

3.2 Phenomenological Potentials72

3.3 Local Potentials72

3.3.1 Nonlocal potential78

3.4 Meson Exchange Potentials80

3.4.1 Yukawa and Van der Waals potentials80

3.4.2 Field theory picture84

3.4.3 Short rangepart of the NN interaction86

3.4.4 Chiral symmetry87

3.4.5 Generalized boson exchange89

3.4.6 Beyond boson exchange91

3.5 Effective Field Theories94

3.6 Exercises96

4 General Properties of Nuclei98

4.1 Introduction98

4.2 Nuclear Radii98

4.3 Binding Energies101

4.4 Total Angular Momentum of the Nucleus104

4.5 Multipole Moments104

4.6 Magnetic Dipole Moment106

4.7 Electric Quadrupole Moment109

4.8 Excited States of Nuclei111

4.9 Nuclear Stability114

4.10 Exercises116

5 Nuclear Models119

5.1 Introduction119

5.2 The Liquid Drop Model119

5.3 The Fermi Gas Model124

5.4 The Shell Model128

5.5 Residual Interaction142

5.6 Nuclear Vibrations144

5.7 Nuclear Deformation149

5.8 The Nilsson Model150

5.9 The Rotational Model153

5.10 Microscopic Theories160

5.10.1 Hartree-Fock theory160

5.10.2 The Skyrme interaction162

5.10.3 Relativistic mean field theory164

5.11 Exercises166

6 Radioactivity170

6.1 Introduction170

6.2 Multiple Decays—Decay Chain171

6.3 Preparation of a Radioactive Sample173

6.4 Secular Equilibrium174

6.5 Natural Radioactive Series174

6.6 Radiation Units176

6.7 Radioactive Dating177

6.8 Properties of Unstable States—Level Width179

6.9 Transition Probability—Golden Rule181

6.10 Exercises183

7 Alpha-Decay185

7.1 Introduction185

7.2 Theory of α-Decay185

7.3 Angular Momentum and Parity in α-Decay191

7.4 Exercises194

8 Beta-Decay195

8.1 Introduction195

8.2 Energy Released in β-Decay196

8.3 Fermi Theory197

8.4 The Decay Constant—The Log ft Value202

8.5 Gamow-Teller Transitions204

8.6 Selection Rules206

8.7 Parity Nonconservation in β-Decay206

8.7.1 Double β-Decay211

8.8 Electron Capture213

8.9 Exercises215

9 Gamma-Decay218

9.1 Introduction218

9.2 Quantization of Electromagnetic Fields218

9.2.1 Fields and gauge invariance218

9.2.2 Normal modes220

9.2.3 Photons221

9.3 Interaction of Radiation with Matter224

9.3.1 Radiation probability227

9.3.2 Long wavelength approximation228

9.4 Quantum and Classical Transition Rates235

9.5 Selection Rules240

9.6 Estimate of the Disintegration Constants241

9.7 Isomeric States243

9.8 Internal Conversion244

9.9 Resonant Absorption—The M?ssbauer Effect249

9.10 Exercises255

10 Nuclear Reactions—Ⅰ258

10.1 Introduction258

10.2 Conservation Laws260

10.3 Kinematics of Nuclear Reactions261

10.4 Scattering and Reaction Cross Sections265

10.5 Resonances270

10.6 Compound Nucleus273

10.7 Mean Free Path of a Nucleon in Nuclei276

10.8 Empirical Optical Potential277

10.9 Compound Nucleus Formation282

10.10 Compound Nucleus Decay290

10.11 Exercises294

11 Nuclear Reactions—Ⅱ298

11.1 Direct Reactions298

11.1.1 Theory of direct reactions301

11.2 Validation of the Shell Model303

11.3 Photonuclear Reactions306

11.3.1 Cross sections307

11.3.2 Sum rules308

11.3.3 Giant resonances312

11.4 Coulomb Excitation315

11.5 Fission319

11.6 Mass Distribution of Fission Fragments321

11.7 Neutrons Emitted in Fission324

11.8 Cross Sections for Fission325

11.9 Energy Distribution in Fission327

11.10 Isomeric Fission328

11.11 Exercises331

12 Nuclear Astrophysics334

12.1 Introduction334

12.2 Astronomical Observations335

12.2.1 The Milky Way335

12.2.2 Dark matter336

12.2.3 Luminosity and Hubble's law337

12.3 The Big Bang338

12.4 Stellar Evolution341

12.4.1 Stars burn slowly341

12.4.2 Gamow peak and astrophysical S-factor342

12.5 The Sun347

12.5.1 Deuterium formation348

12.5.2 Deuterium burning350

12.5.3 3He burning351

12.5.4 Reactions involving 7Be352

12.6 The CNO Cycle354

12.6.1 Hot CNO and rp process355

12.7 Helium Burning357

12.8 Red Giants360

12.9 Advanced Burning Stages362

12.9.1 Carbon burning362

12.9.2 Neon burning364

12.9.3 Oxygen burning365

12.9.4 Silicon burning365

12.10 Synthesis of Heaviest Elements367

12.11 White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars368

12.12 Supernova Explosions370

12.13 Nuclear Reaction Models375

12.13.1 Microscopic models375

12.13.2 Potential and DWBA models376

12.13.3 Parameter fit377

12.13.4 Statistical models377

12.14 Exercises379

13 Rare Nuclear Isotopes385

13.1 Introduction385

13.2 Light Exotic Nuclei388

13.2.1 Halo nuclei390

13.2.2 Borromean nuclei393

13.3 Superheavy Elements395

13.4 Exercises400

Appendix A Angular Momentum401

A.1 Orbital Momentum401

A.2 Spherical Functions402

A.3 Generation of Rotations402

A.4 Orbital Rotations403

A.5 Spin404

A.6 Ladder Operators406

A.7 Angular Momentum Multiplets409

A.8 Multiplets as Irreducible Representations412

A.9 SU(2)Group and Spin 1/2413

A.10 Properties of Spherical Harmonics414

A.10.1 Explicit derivation414

A.10.2 Legendre polynomials415

A.10.3 Completeness416

A.10.4 Sphericalfunctions as matrix elements of finite rotations417

A.10.5 Addition theorem417

Appendix B Angular Momentum Coupling419

B.1 Tensor Operators419

B.1.1 Transformation of operators419

B.1.2 Scalars and vectors420

B.1.3 Tensors of rank 2421

B.1.4 Introduction to selection rules422

B.2 Angular Momentum Coupling423

B.2.1 Two subsystems423

B.2.2 Decomposition of reducible representations424

B.2.3 Tensor operators and selection rules revisited426

B.2.4 Vector coupling of angular momenta427

B.2.5 Wigner-Eckart theorem428

B.2.6 Vector Model429

Appendix C Symmetries432

C.1 Time Reversal432

C.2 Spin Transformation and Kramer's Theorem433

C.3 Time-conjugate Orbits435

C.4 Two-component Neutrino and Fundamental Symmetries436

C.5 Charge Conjugation437

C.6 Electric Dipole Moment438

C.7 CPT-Invariance439

Appendix D Relativistic Quantum Mechanics440

D.1 Lagrangians440

D.1.1 Covariance441

D.2 Electromagnetic Field442

D.3 Relativistic Equations444

D.3.1 Particleat rest446

D.3.2 Covariant form:y matrices446

D.4 Probability and Current448

D.5 Wavefunction Transformation448

D.5.1 Bilinear Covariants450

D.5.2 Parity451

D.6 Plane Waves451

D.6.1 Summary of plane wave spinor properties453

D.6.2 Projection operators454

D.7 Plane Wave Expansion454

D.8 Electromagnetic Interaction455

D.9 Pauli Equation455

D.9.1 Spin-orbit and Darwin terms457

Appendix E Useful Constants and Conversion Factors459

E.1 Constants459

E.2 Masses460

E.3 Conversion Factors460


