民族主义的意义与悖论 20-21世纪之交俄罗斯文化转型问题研究【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 林精华著 著
- 出版社: 北京:人民出版社
- ISBN:7010037043
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:412页
- 文件大小:19MB
- 文件页数:426页
- 主题词:
民族主义的意义与悖论 20-21世纪之交俄罗斯文化转型问题研究PDF格式电子书版下载
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INTRDUCTION:Nationalism and Russia at the turn of 20~21th century as cultural notion1
CHAPTER Ⅰ The Problems of Nationalism in Russian Cultural Transform,a Study on Russian Traditional Culture and Globalization18
第一章 俄国文化转型中的民族主义问题:传统文化与全球意识18
1 The formation and variety of Russian nationalistic problem which Russian cultural tradition expressed19
第一节 俄罗斯民族主义问题的形成与变化:来自文化传统的表述19
2 Russian nationalistic trend of thought at the turn of 20-21th century which Russian discuss the contemporary problem from historical opinions36
第二节 20-21世纪之交俄国民族主义思潮:对现实问题进行历史叙述36
3 Imagined globalization,a study on the problem of identifying or refusing the contemporary worldly essential culture from Russian nationalistic view56
第三节 想象全球化:民族主义视野与对世界主流文化的认同或拒绝56
第二章 当代俄国民族主义的种种现象:对后殖民主义的应战91
CHAPTER Ⅱ The Russian Nationalistic Phenomenons which Respond to Postcolonialism91
1 Russian and postcolonialist problems which we notional express92
第一节 俄罗斯与后殖民主义:在概念表述上的种种问题92
2 Postcolonialist phenomenons in Russian anamorphosis97
第二节 后殖民主义在俄罗斯扩张的种种变体现象97
3 Russian nationalistic movement responds to postcolonialist trend of thought110
第三节 俄国民族主义运动对后殖民主义思潮的回应110
CHAPTER Ⅲ Russian Spiritual Crisis and Its Unchained under Global View and Nationalistic Discussion128
第三章 俄罗斯民族精神危机及再生:全球视野与民族主义表述128
1 The phenomenons of Russian spiritual crisis in Russian philosophical history for 300 years130
第一节 俄国民族精神危机的种种情景:三百年来的哲学遭遇130
2 Rebuilding Russian spirit at the turn of 20~21th century,a study on problem of reality and modemity150
第二节 20-21世纪之交俄国民族精神重建的种种景观:现实性与现代性的问题150
第一节 作为一门学科的“文化学”:文化理念重建的理论问题183
第四章 重建文化理念:民族主义诉求与全球意识的矛盾之一183
CHAPTER Ⅳ Rebuilding Russian Cultural Ideas as the First Contradiction of Nationalistic Request and Global Consciousness183
1 The theoretical problem of rebuilding cultural idea in the context of Culturology as subject183
2 The problem of effecting and doubting in rebuilding cultural ideas in the context of Culturology beyond discipline198
第二节 超越学科界限的“文化学”:文化理念重建的成效与疑惑198
CHAPTER Ⅴ Reconstructing Russian literary theory as the Second Contra dietion of Nationalistic Request and Global Consciousness215
第五章 重构文学理论:民族主义诉求与全球意识的矛盾之二215
1 Disorganizing Soviet literary system and resuming Russian traditional national literary theory217
第一节 瓦解苏联文艺学体系与恢复传统民族文学理论217
第二节 应对西方主流文学理论与提升民族诗学理念231
2 Responding to western principal literary theory and raising Russian national poetic theory231
第六章 重修文学史:民族主义诉求与全球意识的矛盾之三248
CHAPTER Ⅵ Rewriting Russian literary History as the Third Contradiction of Nationalistic Request and Global Consciousness248
1 Russian national narrative strategy as historical opinion and methodology of rewriting Russian literary history249
第一节 民族主义的叙述策略:文学史观和方法论249
2 Russian national opinions of worthiness and reconfirming Russian literary classic268
第二节 民族主义价值观与文学经典形象的重构268
CHAPTER Ⅶ The Contemporary Russian Mass Culture as Popular Action of Nationalistic Request and Global Consciousness294
第七章 当代俄罗斯大众文化:民族主义诉求与全球意识的民间化行为294
1 The puzzle of mass cultural theory in Russian literary principal theory,Soviet opinion of culture and literary essential theory295
第一节 俄国大众文化理论的困境:主流文学理论、苏联文化观、精英文学理论295
第二节 俄国大众文化的实际情景:成效与问题308
2 The significance and deficiency in practice of Russian mass culture308
3 Russian cultural critical movement which national respond to postmodemism and postcolonialism322
第三节 大众文化批评运动:对后现代主义和后殖民主义的民族主义解读322
CHAPTER Ⅷ Postmodern Narrative Strategy in Russian Literature as the Another Contradiction of Nationalistic Request and Global Consciousness340
1 Postmodern problems which Russian makes340
第一节 “后现代主义问题”在俄国的生成340
第八章 后现代主义叙述策略:民族主义意识与全球视野的另一重矛盾340
2 Omnipresent intertextual strategy and national traditional narrative experience in Russian postmodem literature346
第二节 无所不在的互文策略与民族传统的叙述经验346
3 Transforming principal literature under the narrative strategy which came from the another national traditionary experience357
第三节 改写种种主流文学的叙述策略:来自另一种民族叙述经验357
4 Postmodern poetic crisis because of denationalist narrative strategy367
第四节 后现代主义的诗学危机:来自非民族化的叙述策略367
5 A contradiction of globalization and nationalist experience in the postmodern text which we unscramble380
第五节 全球意识与民族主义经验的矛盾:对一个后现代主义案例的解读380
6 Russian postmodern literary worthiness with localism,a summarizing nationalistic narrative experience392
第六节 俄国后现代主义的地域性价值:对民族主义叙述经验的总结392
CONCLUSION Russian Cultural Transformation and Russian Nationalism which Russian has no Alternative or no Choice397
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