
- 贺涛主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
- ISBN:7030066731
- 出版时间:1998
- 标注页数:347页
- 文件大小:13MB
- 文件页数:357页
- 主题词:
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A Study on Issues about Theories and Policies on China's Futures Market He Tao1
我国期货市场若干理论与政策问题的研究 贺涛1
我国粮食期货市场若问题研究 贺涛26
Some Words on Grain Futures Market in China He Tao26
略论期货交易中的套期保值 汤克均41
A word on Hedging in Futures Market Tang Kejun41
粮油套期保值初探 樊友乐55
Some Ideas on Hedging in Grain Futures Market Fan Youle55
浅论我国期货市场套期保值 华莳蕻58
An Analysis on Hedging Activities in China's FuturesMarket Hua Shihong58
完善我国套期保值交易的市场要素 马荣庆68
Improving Market Elements for Hedging in China's Futures Market Ma Rongqing68
ACase Study on the Function of Price Discovery in Futures Market Bao Jianping73
期货交易价格发现功能的实证分析 鲍建平73
Basic Strategies on Risk Management Lin Xiao98
风险管理的基本对策 林晓98
How to Control the Risk in Physical Delivery Qi Guozhong111
论如何有效控制交割风险 祁国中111
Price Movements and Margin Requirements Bao Jianping119
价格波动和保证金水平制定 鲍建军平119
Roles of Margin for Risk Management in Futures Tra_ding Lao Guangxinong,Huang Youjie157
论保证金在期货交易风险管理中的作用 劳光熊 黄糼杰157
Ideas on Fundamental Task and Operqtional Syatem of Risk Management in Futures Market Tang Kejunn165
期货市场风险监控基本任务及运作系统设计 汤克均165
Some Thoughts on the Futures Trading of Round GrainRice He Tao ,Tang Kejun177
从剖析粳米斯 货交易引发的若干思考 贺涛 汤克均177
Some Issues on Self_Regulation and Market Manipula_rion Ma Rongqing _205
关于防止操纵生为与加强自律管理的几个问题 马荣庆205
AnIdea on the Reconstuction of China's Futures Mar_kets Jiang Mingqing211
期货交易所市场重组问题的思考 江明德211
Some Ideas on Traing Stock Index Futures Contract un China Tang Kejun220
我国股指期货开发初探 汤克均220
A Srudy on Futures Trading of Treasury Bonds in china Bao Jianping248
我国国债期货品种开发的研究 鲍建平248
Some Words on Significance and Operating Modes of Trading Stock Indes Futures Contract in China Hua Shihong278
我国开展股票指数期货交易的意义及其运作模式的探讨 华莳蕻278
An Idea on Trading Option on Soybean Futures Contract Lin Xiao, Xu Kaiyuan293
大豆期权交易研究 徐开元293
Position and Functon of Information in Futures Markets Chen Rong308
正确认识信息在期市中的地位和作用 陈融308
The Development Trend of International Futures Mar_kets and Its Enlinghtenment to Us Xu Kaiyuan316
国际期货市场发展现状、趋势及启示 徐开元316
Managed Futures and China's Futures Market Mei Lin331
管理期货与我国期货市场 梅岭331
The Current Situation of American Grain Futures Market and Its Enlightenment to Us He Tao343
美国谷物期货市场状况及对我国的启示 贺涛343
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