
- ISBN:0395343178
- 出版时间:1984
- 标注页数:570页
- 文件大小:229MB
- 文件页数:589页
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Chapter One A Theoretical Overview3
Assembly Line B. Traven4
1 Legal Reasoning12
The Bramble Bush&Karl N. Llewellyn13
State v. Pendergrass15
Joyner v. Joyner17
State v. Black19
State v. Rhodes20
State v. Mabrey23
The Bramble Bush&Karl N. Llewellyn24
State v. Oliver26
2 Law and Official Discretion28
The Judging Process and the Judge's Personality&Jerome Frank29
A Forgery Case36
A Case of Robbery and Rape42
3 Law and Values43
The Queen v. Dudley and Stephens44
The Human Fetus as Useful Research Material52
Cook v. State53
4 Law and Conflicting Interests55
The Case of the Spoiled Chiles&Laura Nader58
Susquehanna Fertilizer Co. v. Malone59
Madison v. Ducktown Sulphur, Copper & Iron Co.61
Georgia v. Tennessee Copper Co.66
Ohio v. Wyandotte Chemicals Corp.69
5 Law, Status, Wealth, and Power73
Streich v. General Motors Corp.75
The State V. I. Lenin78
From Day Clean to First Dark&Kenneth Stampp81
Thornton and Wife v. The Suffolk Manufacturing Company85
Fibreboard Paper Products Corp. v. NLRB91
NLRB v. Yeshiva University98
6 Law and Popular Will106
The Cheyenne Way&Karl N. Llewellyn and E. Adamson Hoebel108
Law and Authority&Peter Kropotkin112
IRS Response to the Illegal Tax Protester Movement119
United States v. Carlson126
United States v. Catlett130
Suggested Additional Readings135
Chapter Two The Police139
Shooting an Elephant&George Orwell140
1 A Citizen's Perspective145
Police Questioning of Law Abiding Citizens&Charles A. Reich145
Brown v. Texas155
2 Legal Perspectives158
A. Police-Citizen Encounters158
Terry v. State of Ohio158
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Harry Mimms167
Delaware v. Prouse174
People v. John181
B. The Exclusionary Rule184
Why Suppress Valid Evidence?&Malcolm Richard Wilkey185
The Exclusionary Rule: Have Critics Proven That It Doesn't Deter Police?&Bradley Canon187
3 The Media Perspective192
Television, the Law, and the Police&Stephen Arons and Ethan Katsh193
4 Discretionary Justice200
Arrest: The Decision to Take a Suspect into Custody&Wayne R. LaFave201
5 A Societal Perspective203
The Police Role in an Urban Society&Bernard L. Garmire205
The Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove Center for Research on Criminal Justice209
Jammed Tokyo's Crime Rate Is Far Below New York's&Sydney H. Schanberg214
People v. Zelinski218
Suggested Additional Readings223
Chapter Three The Legal Profession227
1 The Lawyer in Society229
The Temper of the Legal Profession in the United States&Alexis de Tocqueville231
The Impact of Social Backgrounds of Lawyers on Law Practice and the Law&Jack Ladinsky235
Lawyers&C. Wright Mills244
2 Legal Education251
The Trouble with Law School&Scott Turow252
Law School: Caught in the Paradigmatic Squceze&John J. Bonsignore257
The Ordinary Religion of the Law School Classroom&Roger C. Cramton262
The Sorcerer and His Magic&Claude Levi-Strauss269
3 The Lawyer in the Legal System272
The Ethics of Advocacy&Charles P. Curtis272
The "Fight" Theory versus the "Truth" Theory&Jerome Frank279
The Practice of Law as Confidence Game&Abraham S. Blumberg285
"I Have Nothing To Do With Justice"&James Mills292
Trickster, Hero, Helper: A Report on the Lawyer Image&Marvin W. Mindes with Alan C. Acock307
4 The Lawyer and Social Reform310
Why the "Haves" Come Out Ahead: Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change&Marc Galanter311
At the Edge of Law&John J. Bonsignore323
Suggested Additional Readings329
Chapter Four Community Participation in Legal Process331
1 The Jury as a Form of Community Participation334
A. The Jury in a Cultural Context334
The Ordeal as a Vehicle for Divine Intervention in Medieval Europe&William J. Tewksbury334
Note on the History of the Jury Trial336
U.S. Constitution338
People v. Collins339
The Trial of the Future&Bernard Botein and Murray A. Gordon346
B. The Jury as a Political Institution351
Trial by Jury in the United States&Alexis de Tocqueville351
Duncan v. Louisiana355
Excerpt from The Transformation of American Law Morton Horwitz358
Jury Nullification-The Right to Say No&A. Scheflin360
Jury Instructions365
United States v. Dougherty365
C. The Waning of the American Jury373
Williams v. Florida373
Johnson v. Louisiana374
Apodaca et al. v. Oregon376
The Waning of the American Jury&Hans Zeisel376
Note on the Use of Expert Testimony in Jury Trials380
Note on the Ethics of Selecting Jurors381
Note on Constitutional Protection of Fair Jury Selection383
D. Conscience, Individual and Collective: A Problem injury Deliberation388
Excerpt from "Letter from Birmingham Jail"&Martin Luther King, Jr.390
The Trial of Sam Lovejoy&Stephen Davis392
2 Community Participation: Other Forms, Other Cultures399
When Two Twists Led the Cheyennes Against the Crows399
People's Court in China: Trial of a Divorce Case&Doris Brin Walker402
The Cuban Popular Tribunals&Jesse Berman406
The Relegalization of Cuba&Peter Irons411
Mediation in America414
New Justice Theories and Practice&Raymond Shonholtz415
Mediating Disputes: An American&Paradox Janet Rifkin420
3 Law, Community, and the Individual423
Introduction to&Wayward Puritans Kai Erikson423
Cheyenne Way: Claims and Law-Ways&Karl N. Llewellyn and E. Adamson Hoebel427
From Law in Modern Society Roberto Unger428
The Evolution and Development of the Chinese Legal System&Victor H. Li430
Suggested Additional Readings436
Chapter Five Punishment439
1 Views of Punishment441
Reflections on the Guillotine&Albert Camus441
From&Punishment and Social Structure Georg Rusche and Otto Kirchheimer445
From&Discipline and Punish Michel Foucault446
Furman v. Georgia450
Gregg v. Georgia451
Lockett v. Ohio454
2 Institutionalization and Reform458
Behavior Modification in Total Institutions&David Rothman458
Holt v. Sarver461
Rules and Regulations for Inmates at Cook County Jail, Chicago, Illinois468
3 Rehabilitation471
Behavior Modification in Total Institutions&David Rothman471
Behavior Modification in Total Institutions&David Rothman475
4 Beyond Rehabilitation480
Is Rehabilitation Dead?&Seymour L. Halleck and Ann D. Witte480
Sentencing Reform and Prosecutorial Power&Albert W. Alschuler486
Suggested Additional Readings489
Chapter Six Images of Law and Society491
The Masks of the Law&Peter d'Errico493
The Law Is Terror Put Into Words&Peter d'Errico496
1 Shaking Belief500
In Death's Grey Land&Philip Caputo500
In the Name of the People&Tiziano Terzani507
The Plague&Albert Camus511
2 Lions and Lambs515
Virginian Liberators&John T. Noonan, Jr.515
The Rule of Law Versus the Order of Custom&Stanley Diamond520
Cracking the Safe&Chuang Tzu533
3 Systematic Thought535
Socialist Law and Legal Institutions&Michael E. Tigar535
The Organizational Revolution&Frederick C. Thayer542
4 The Perfect Illusions548
The Poverty of the Sociology of Deviance: Nuts, Sluts, and Preverts&Alexander Liazos548
Address to the Prisoners in the Cook County Jail&Clarence Darrow556
Suggested Additional Readings562
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