
- 赵冬著 著
- 出版社: 长春:吉林人民出版社
- ISBN:7206045952
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:243页
- 文件大小:107MB
- 文件页数:266页
- 主题词:电影-简介-中国
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阿诗玛 A Shima1
刘三姐 Third Sister Liu5
五朵金花 Five Golden Flowers9
英雄儿女 Heroic Sons and Daughters13
地道战 Tunnel Wanfare16
地雷战 Mine Wanfare19
平原游击队 Guerrillas Sweep The Plain23
铁道游击队 Guerrillas Around Railway26
打击侵略者 Fight Back Aggressors28
奇袭 The Surprise Attack31
上甘岭 The Battle of Sangkumryung Ridge34
长空比翼 Flying In The Sky36
小兵张嘎 The Little Soldier Zhangga38
铁道卫士 The Railway Guard41
兵临城下 City Under Seige44
甲午风云 The Naval Battle of 189447
永不消失的电波 Never-disappared Electric Wave49
冰山上的来客 Guest of Lcy Mountain52
野火春风斗古城 The Struggle In The Old City56
早春二月 Ther February58
林则徐 Lin Zexu62
白毛女 The White-haired Girl65
青春之歌 The Song of Youth68
红色娘子军 Red army Women71
洪湖赤卫队 Guerrillas In Honghu74
箭杆河边 By Jiangan River77
祝福 Blessing79
林海雪原 The Snow Forest82
青年鲁班 Young Luban84
桃花扇 The peach Blossom fan87
北国江南 Sounth of The River90
侦察兵 The Scout92
秘密图纸 The Secret Drawing94
东进序曲 The Overture To The East96
柳堡的故事 The Story of Liubao98
三进山城 into The Mountain City Three Trimes100
神秘的旅伴 the Secret Travelling Companion103
碧海丹心 the Battle on The Sea105
大李、小李和老李 Midele Li Little Li and old Li107
草原雄鹰 The Hero Of The Grassland109
花儿朵朵 Flowers111
红河激浪 The Battle By River113
年青的一代 The Rising Generation115
农奴 The Serf121
长虹号起义 The Uprisin of Changhong Ship123
阿娜尔罕 Anaerhan125
蚕花姑娘 The Girl Of Silkworm127
海霞 Hai Xia129
飞刀华 Flying Knife Hua132
万木春 Trees Sprout In Spring134
渡江侦察记 Reconnoitre Across The River136
南征北战 China's War of Liberation139
今天我休息 I Rest Today141
李双双 Li Shuang shuang143
我们村里的年轻人 The Young People in Our Village145
马兰花 Malan Flower147
家 Home149
舞台姐妹 The Two Siscers On Stage153
女理发师 The Lady Hairdresser155
达吉和她的父亲 Tachi And Her Father157
红孩子 Little Heroes159
董存瑞 Dong Cunrui161
闪闪的红星 The Flashing Red Star163
苦菜花 Wild Herbs Blossom165
乔老爷上轿 The Story of Mr Qiao167
秋翁遇仙记 The Old Man Meets With Fairy Peony169
画中人 The Beauty InhTe Painting171
护士日记 The Nurse's Diary174
大浪淘沙 The Test From The Wind and Waves176
停战以后 After the Battle Stops178
水手长的故事 The Story of The Boatswain180
春催桃李 Spring Quiken Fruit Ripe182
昆仑山上一棵草 A Grass on Kunlun Mountain184
风从东方来 Wind Coming From The East186
十级浪 Ten-Ievel Waves188
党的女儿 Daughters of The Party190
满意不满意 Like it or not?192
红日 Red Sun194
万紫千红总是春 Spring is Splended Color196
宝葫芦的秘密 The Secrt of a Calabash198
英雄虎胆 The Hero201
战上海 Battle in Shanghai203
羊城暗哨 The Secret Sentry of Guangzhou206
寂静的山林 In The Quiet Forest208
徐秋影案件 Xu Qiuying's Case210
战火中的青春 The Youth in Gunfire212
两家人 Two Families215
花好月圆 Perfect Marriages.A Blssful Life217
枯木逢春 Spring Comes to The Withered Tree219
霓虹灯下的哨兵 The Guard Under Neon Light221
锦上添花 Flowers to The Brocade223
小铃铛 The Small Bell225
冰上姐妹 The Sisters On Ice228
景颇姑娘 Girls From The Jingpo Nationality230
汾水长流 The Water Flows Faraway232
魔术师的奇遇 The Magician's Unusual Experience234
风筝 The Kite236
草原晨曲 The Morning of The Grassland238
槐树庄 The Locust Village240
女篮五号 No.5 Woman Basketball Player242
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