每天一课 英语口语短句365【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 李红主编 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7561138687
- 出版时间:2008
- 标注页数:502页
- 文件大小:67MB
- 文件页数:514页
- 主题词:英语-口语
每天一课 英语口语短句365PDF格式电子书版下载
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Section One Functional English 功能英语2
第一篇 沟通之桥2
1.Greeting 问候2
2.Introduction 介绍3
3.Gratitude 致谢4
4.Apology 道歉5
5.Friendship 交友6
6.Personal Information 个人信息8
7.Social Activities 社交活动9
8.Departure 道别11
9.Invitation 邀请12
10.Talking about Others 谈论别人13
11.About Family 家人与亲戚14
12.About What One Needs 谈需要16
13.Time and Week 钟点和星期17
14.Date and Month 日期和月份18
15.Season and Weather 季节与天气19
16.Starting a Conversation 谈话的开场白20
17.Drawing Somebody's Attention 引起对方的注意22
18.Changing the Subject 转换话题23
19.Closing a Conversation 结束谈话24
20.Appointment 约会26
21.Interest 兴趣27
22.Inquiry 询问情况28
23.Ability 能力29
24.Avoid Nuisances 摆脱他人纠缠31
25.Recalling 表达回忆32
26.Emphasizing 表示强调33
27.Offering Help and Service 提供帮助与服务35
28.Directing Attention 提醒和注意36
29.Banquet 宴会38
30.Making Sure of Something 确认是否听清39
31.Keeping a Secret 密谈40
32.Asking for Information 打听情况41
33.Recount 详述43
34.Gossip 闲话44
35.Quarrel 争吵45
36.Urgency 催促47
37.Description 描述48
38.Lost 丢失49
39.Courtesy 礼貌50
40.Talking with Strangers 与陌生人聊天52
41.Interpersonal relationship 人际关系53
42.Appointment Place 决定见面场所54
第二篇 情感之树57
43.Delight 高兴57
44.Sorrow 悲伤58
45.Angry 生气59
46.Reproach 责怪60
47.Surprise 惊讶62
48.Moving 感动63
49.Excitement 激动64
50.Worry 担忧66
51.Euphoria 欣喜67
52.Relief 宽慰68
53.Annoyance 恼怒70
54.Encouragement 鼓励71
55.Reassurance 安慰72
56.Sympathy 同情73
57.Complain 抱怨75
58.Wishes 祝福76
59.Compliment 称赞77
60.Congratulation 恭贺79
61.Disappointment 失望80
62.Boredom 厌烦81
63.Fear 害怕82
64.Jealousy 嫉妒84
65.Indifference 冷漠85
66.Uncertainty 怀疑86
67.Misunderstand 误解88
68.Justify 辩解89
69.Patience 耐心90
70.Impatience 不耐心91
71.Pity 遗憾93
72.Blush 害羞94
73.Curiosity 好奇95
74.Dilemma 无奈97
75.Tired 疲劳98
76.Hope 希望99
77.Anticipation 期待101
78.Anxiety 紧张102
79.Relaxation 松弛103
80.Predicament 困境104
81.Hesitation 犹豫106
第三篇 意愿之灯109
82.Approval 赞成109
83.Disapproval 反对110
84.Expressing Opinion 发表意见111
85.Having Reservations 保留意见112
86.Asking for Somebody's Opinion 征求意见114
87.Certainty 肯定115
88.Denial or Uncertainty 否定或不确定117
89.Like 喜欢118
90.Dislike 不喜欢119
91.Obligation 义务121
92.Belief 相信122
93.Disbelief 不相信123
94.Optimism 乐观125
95.Pessimism 悲观126
96.Changing the Plan 改变计划128
97.Comparison 比较129
98.Persuasion 劝说131
99.Preference 偏爱132
100.Request 请求133
101.Advice 劝告135
102.Warning 警告136
103.Instruction 命令与指示137
104.Blaming 责备139
105.Making Suggestion 提建议140
106.Accepting Suggestion 接受建议141
107.Refusing Suggestion 拒绝建议143
108.Possibility 可能性144
109.Promise 许诺146
110.Understanding 理解147
111.Judgment 判断148
112.Decision 决定150
113.Willingness 愿意151
114.Difficulty 困难152
115.Easy 容易154
116.Criticism 批评155
117.Praise 赞扬156
118.Explanation 辩解157
119.Excuse 借口158
120.Satisfaction 满意160
121.Dissatisfaction 不满意161
122.Prohibition 禁止162
123.Necessity 必要163
124.Permission 允许165
125.Quandary 勉强166
126.Guess 猜测167
127.Concession 让步169
128.Persistence 坚持170
Section Two Situational English 情景英语173
第四篇 饮食东西173
129.Reservation for a Table 订桌173
130.Ordering 点菜174
131.Recommendation 推荐菜肴175
132.Paying the Bill 结账177
133.Complaining 餐饮投诉178
134.Chinese Restaurant 中餐馆179
135.Western Restaurant 西餐厅180
136.Groceries 购买副食182
137.Kitchen 厨房183
138.Take-out Food 买外带食品184
139.Cooking 烹饪185
140.Fast Food 快餐186
141.Inviting Friends to Dinner at Home 请朋友到家里吃饭188
142.Dining Out 请朋友外出吃饭189
143.On a Diet 节食190
144.Bar 酒吧191
145.Tea House 茶馆193
146.Coffee Shop 咖啡馆194
147.Self-service Buffet 自助餐195
148.Picnicking 野餐196
149.Birthday Party 生日聚会198
150.At the School Canteen 学校食堂199
151.Drmking Water 饮水思源200
152.Food Stalls 小吃摊202
153.I'm Full 我吃饱了203
154.Thangiving Day Feast 感恩节宴会204
155.Pasta 意大利面食205
156.Beverages 饮料206
157.Celebration Feast 庆功宴208
158.Barbecue 烧烤209
159.Alcoholic Drinks 中外酒类210
160.Calling to Reserve a Table 电话订餐211
161.Restaurant Dos and Don'ts 餐厅礼节213
162.Nightclub 夜总会214
163.Food and Cancer 食物与癌症215
164.Desserts 饭后甜食217
165.Table Culture 餐桌文化218
166.Way of Eating 就餐方式219
167.Favorite Food 评价食品220
168.Learning to Cook 学做饭222
169.Entertaining Guests 招待客人223
170.At the Supermarket 超市购物224
171.American Dishes 美国菜225
172.At Macdonald's 在麦当劳227
173.Fruits Picking 采摘水果228
第五篇 着装南北231
174.Bargain Shupping 讨价还价231
175.Talking about Style of Clothing 谈论式样232
176.Talking about Color 谈论颜色233
177.Talking about Size 讨论尺码235
178.Trying on Clothes 试穿衣服236
179.Replacing and Refunding the Purchase 退货和换货237
180.Asking Prices 询问价格239
181.Making Inquiry 说明要求240
182.Choosing Items 选择物品241
183.Buying Presents 买礼物242
184.At the Tailor's Shop 裁缝店244
185.Making Decisions 做出决定245
186.Short Supply 缺货246
187.Fashion Show 时装表演248
188.Ordering Goods 预购249
189.The Women's Wear 女装部251
190.The Men's Wear 男装部252
191.Shoes and Hat Department 鞋帽部253
192.At the Flea Market 在旧货市场255
193.At the Dry Cleaner's 在干洗店256
194.Clothing and Occasions 着装与场合258
195.Comment on Clothing 评论着装259
196.Mending Shoes 修鞋261
197.Buying the Accessories 买衣着饰物262
198.At the Jewelry Store 在珠宝店263
199.Clothing Matching 服装搭配265
200.Discount 折扣266
201.Window Shopping 逛商店267
202.After-Sale Service 售后服务269
203.At the LeatherGoods Store 在皮具店270
第六篇 居处四海273
204.Looking for a House 找房273
205.Renting a Room 租房274
206.Buying a House 买房276
207.Apartment 公寓277
208.Dormitory of Schools 学校宿舍279
209.House-Moving 乔迁280
210.Indoor-Decoration 室内装修282
211.Buying Furniture 买家具283
212.Problems with Houses 房屋故障285
213.Asking for a Repairman 叫修理工286
214.Talking about Price of a House 谈论房价288
215.Booking a Room 预订房间289
216.Accepting Reservation 接受预订290
217.Refusing Reservation 拒绝预订291
218.Hotel Service 宾馆服务293
219.Complaining about the Service 抱怨宾馆服务294
220.Checking in 入住登记296
221.Checking Out 结账297
222.Keeping Valuable Items 寄存贵重物品299
223.Wake-up Call 唤醒电话300
224.Asking Price of Rooms 询问房间价格302
225.Fully Occupied 客满303
226.Looking for a Hotel 寻找宾馆305
227.Staying with a Family 住在别人家里306
第七篇 周游天下309
228.Traveling Plan 旅行计划309
229.Going on a Honeymoon 蜜月旅行310
230.Enjoying the Scenery 风光游311
231.Traveling Abroad 出国游313
232.Traveling on Business 出公差314
233.Hometown Traveling 故乡游315
234.Camping 宿营317
235.Picnic 野餐318
236.Sightseeing Directions 观光指南319
237.Self-drive Traveling 自驾游321
238.Travel Agency 旅行社322
239.Applying for a Visa 申请签证323
240.Entry Procedures 入境325
241.At the Customs 在海关326
242.Booking an Air Ticket 预定机票327
243.Checking out the Flights 查询航班329
244.Luggage Checking 托运行李330
245.Checking in 办理登机手续331
246.On the Plane 在飞机上333
247.At the Airport 在机场334
248.Traveling by Taxi 乘坐出租车335
249.Buying a Train Ticket 买火车票337
250.Traveling by Train 乘火车旅行338
251.Traveling by Subway 乘坐地铁339
252.Taking a Bus 乘坐公共汽车341
253.Buying a Car 买车342
254.Buying a Used Car 买二手车344
255.Offering a Lift in a Car 让人搭车345
250.Driving a Car 开车346
257.Breaking Traffic Rules and Regulations 违规驾驶347
258.Repairing a Car 修车348
259.A Traffic Accident 交通事故350
260.Asking the Way 问路351
261.Visiting Museums and Gallery 参观博物馆和艺术展352
262.Going to Movies 去看电影354
263.At the Beach 在海滩355
264.At the Amusement Park 在游乐场356
265.Going to the Gym 去健身房358
266.Taking Pictures 照相359
267.Having the Photos Developed 冲印照片357
268.Climbing Mountains 爬山362
269.Going Fishing 去钓鱼363
270.Toileting 去公共卫生间365
271.Strolling around the Draper Store 逛布料店366
272.Buying Domestic Appliances 买家用电器367
273.Going Swimming 去游泳369
274.Watching Football Games 观看足球比赛370
275.At the Gas Station 在加油站372
276.Renting a Car 租车373
277.Traffic Signs 交通标志374
278.Parking a Car 停车376
279.Going to Basketball Games 观看篮球比赛377
第八篇 妙用八方380
280.At the Post Office 在邮局380
281.At the Bank 在银行381
282.Seeing a Doctor 看医生382
283.Phone Call 打电话384
284.Fax 传真385
285.Computer 电脑386
286.Job Hunting 求职387
287.Health 谈健康389
288.Hairdressing 美发390
289.Facial 美容391
290.Medical Care 医疗保健393
291.E-mail 电子邮件394
292.Exercises 运动396
293.Matches 比赛397
294.Study Life 学习生活399
295.School 学校400
296.Teaching and Learning 教学401
297.Conference 会议403
298.Musical Enjoyment 音乐欣赏404
299.Movie 电影405
300.Reading 读书看报407
301.Television 电视节目408
302.Fashion Clothes 谈时装409
303.Hi-technology 高新科技411
304.Environmental Protection 环境保护412
305.Literature 文学413
306.Language 语言415
307.Arts 艺术416
308.At the Library 在图书馆418
309.Holidays and Festivals 节假日419
310.In the Office 在办公室420
311.Boss and Secretary 老板与秘书422
312.Promotion 推销423
313.Product's Introduction 产品介绍425
314.Market Research 市场研究426
315.Resigning and Retirement 辞职与退休428
316.Going to a Concert 听音乐会430
317.Theatre 剧院431
318.At the Movies 电影院432
319.Festival Celebrations 庆典433
320.On Campus 在校园435
321.Trading 商业贸易436
322.Business Negotiation 商务洽谈437
323.In a Pharmacy 在药房439
324.Geography 地理440
325.Countries 国家442
326.Social Problems 社会问题444
327.WTO 世贸组织445
328.Olympic Games 奥运会447
329.AIDS 艾滋病448
330.Smoking 吸烟449
331.Superstars 明星451
332.Taxation 税收452
333.Philosophy of Life 生活哲理453
334.Advertisement 广告455
335.On Theft 谈论盗窃456
336.Court 上法庭458
337.Getting Married 结婚459
338.Resume 简历461
339.Jobs 工作462
340.Speech 讲演464
341.Raise 升职465
342.Praise 奖励467
343.Family Finance 家庭财务468
344.Money 金钱470
345.Unemployment 失业471
346.Mass Media 大众传媒473
347.Insurance 保险474
348.Stock Market 股票市场475
349.Religion 宗教信仰477
350.Immigrants and Studying Abroad 移民与留学478
351.American Dream 美国梦480
352.Fashion 时尚482
353.Equality between Men and Women 男女平等483
354.Economy 经济484
355.Politics 政治486
356.Social Customs 社会习俗487
357.Pets 宠物489
358.Photography 摄影490
359.KTV 卡拉OK492
360.Repairing 修理493
361.Psychological Consult 心理咨询494
362.Intellectual Property Rights 知识产权496
363.Drugs 吸毒497
364.Honor 荣誉499
365.Internet 互联网501
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