
钱钟书手稿集 第4辑 外文笔记 32【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

钱钟书手稿集 第4辑 外文笔记 32
  • 钱钟书著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:商务印书馆
  • ISBN:9787100115612
  • 出版时间:2015
  • 标注页数:723页
  • 文件大小:122MB
  • 文件页数:748页
  • 主题词:钱钟书(1910~1998)-手稿-选集


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Part Ⅴ.Typed Manuscripts:Book Excerpts5


1.Emile Faguet,Dix-huitieme Siecle5

2.Walter Raleigh,On Writing and Writers9

3.Philip Leon,The Ethics of Power or the Problem of Evil12

4.Osbert Burdett,The Art of Living23

5.Robert Harborough Sherard,Bernard Shaw,Frank Harris and Oscar Wilde24

6.Emile Faguet,Flaubert26

7.Maurice Hewlett,In a Green Shade:A Country Commentary28

8.Joseph Hone,The Life of George Moore30

9.Hastings Rashdall,The Theory of Good and Evil31

10.Ford Madox Hueffer,Ancient Lights and Certain New Reflections34

11.Stray Leaf with Yang Jiang's Remark35

12.Arthur Bryant,Samuel Pepys:The Man in the Making36

13.Excerpt without Author and Title37

14.A.E.Burtt,The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science42

15.Bernard Bosanquet,The Meeting of Extremes in Contemporary Philosophy42

16.Arvede Barine,Alfred de Musset43

17.William Hamilton,Discussions45

18.E.M.Forster,Abinger Harvest47

19.Werner Brock,An Introduction to Contemporary German Philosophy49

20.Gustave Flaubert,L'Education Sentimentale50

21.J.W.Mackail,Studies of English Poets51

22.H.Granville-Barker(ed.),The Eighteen-Seventies53

23.Stray Leaf on Pope and Edward Young54

24.Ivor Brown,I Commit to the Flames55

25.W.B.Yeats,Dramatis Personae58

26.Augustus De Morgan,A Budget of Paradoxes60

27.Aldous Huxley,On the Margin62

28.Alfred Noyes,Voltaire64

29.Augustine Birrell,In the Name of the Bodleian67

30.L.A.Willoughby,The Romantic Movement in Germany68

31.Stray Leaves in French with Qian's Page Numbers73

32.B.I.Evans,English Poetry in the Later Nineteenth Century78

33.William Wycherley,Plays81

34.Alfred de Musset,On ne Badine pas avec l'Amour83

35.Matthew Josephson,Zola and His Time84

36.Havelock Ellis,From Rousseau to Proust88

37.Herbert Read,Reason and Romanticism93

38.R.H.Sherard,The Life,Work and Evil Fate of Guy de Maupassant96

39.J.G.Legge,Chanticleer:A Study of French Muse99

40.John Laird,Recent Philosophy103

41.Ernest Hunter Wright,The Meaning of Rousseau109

42.Douglas Goldring,Odd Man Out116

43.Edmund Gosse,Coventry Patmore119

44.Edward Sackville-West,A Flame in Sunlight:The Life and Work of Thomas De Quincey120

45.William Hamilton,Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic126

46.Histoire de la Langue et de la Litterature Fran?aise127

47.Herbert Gorman,The Incredible Marquis Alexandre Dumas139

48.Virginia Moore,The Life and Eager Death of Emily Bronte143

49.Charles Lamb,Essays of Elia144

50.Milton H.Stansbury,French Novelists of Today148

51.William James,The Principles of Psychology155

52.Paul Albert,La Litterature Fran?aise au ⅩⅨe Siecle172

53.J.B.Bury,The Idea of Progress174

54.Emile Faguet,Andre Chenier188

55.Malcolm Elwin194

Victorian Wallflowers194

Thackeray:A Personality198

56.E.S.Haldane,George Eliot and Her Time201

57.Leopold Mabilleau,Victor Hugo202

58.Maurice Paleologue,Vauvenargues205

59.Stephen Gwynn,Oliver Goldsmith209

60.Bonamy Dobree,Restoration Comedy(1660—1720)211

61.R.L.Megroz,Modern English Poetry222

62.William James,The Principles of Psychology Vol.Ⅱ223


1.Karl Vossler,The Spirit of Language in Civilization241

2.Rudolf Haym,Hegel und Seine Zeit243

3.Stray Leaf in English about Literature244

4.J.H.Muirhead,The Platonic Tradition in Anglo-Saxon Philosophy245

5.Logan Pearsall Smith,All Trivia247

6.Stephen C.Pepper,World Hypotheses249

7.Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association Vol.ⅩⅦ251

8.F.L.Lucas,The Delights of Dictatorship252

9.J.B.Priestley,Midnight on the Desert254

10.H.F.Jones,Samuel Butler256






14.Stray Notes273

15.Henri Clouard,Histoire de la Litterature Fran?aise du Symbolisme a nos Jours275

16.Papers in Honor of Josiah Royce279

17.W.Somerset Maugham,The Gentleman in the Parlour279

18.Arthur Quiller-Couch(Q),Memories and Opinions281

19.R.L.Cru,Diderot as a Disciple of English Thought282

20.Philip MacDonald,The Rasp286

21.Stray Leaf290

22.The Age of Johnson:Essays Presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker291

23.Ignazio Silone,Fontamara295

24.C.-A.Sainte-Beuve,Portraits Litteraires295

25.Norman Douglas298

Goodbye to Western Culture298


26.J.H.Muirhead,Coleridge as Philosopher300

27.Edmund Grosse,Father and Son303

28.Modern Philology304

29.George Boas (ed.),Romanticism in America306

30.M.C.Phillips,Skin Deep308

31.Ignazio Silone,Bred and Wine310

32.Arthur Hatto,"Revolution"312

33.Mind 1949314

34.Edmund Wilson,Europe without Baedeker316

35.Carl Van Doren,Three Worlds320

36.Richard Llewellyn,How Green Was My Valley323

37.Ovid,Ars Amatoria324

Book Ⅰ324

Book Ⅱ326

Book Ⅲ330

38.Norman Douglas,Fountains in the Sand334

39.A.C.Benson,Memories and Friends335

40.Eric John Dingwall,Racial Pride and Prejudice336

41.Gypsy Rose Lee,The G-String Murders337

42.Noel Coward,Present Indicative338

43.Sacha Guitry,If Memory Serves340

44.Edward McCurdy,The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci342



45.Monier Williams,Indian Wisdom347

46.Walter Silz,Early German Romanticism349


48.Salvador de Madariaga,Shelley and Calderon and Other Essays362

49.Aubrey F.G.Bell,Castilian Literature365

50.Lacon,Lectures to Living Authors368

51.L.A.Reid,Preface to Faith368

52.Walter de la Mare369


Private View370

53.J.Cecil and Herford,Oliver Clay,Cupid's Cyclopedia374

54.Stray Notes376

55.Charles Baudelaire,Journaux Intimes377

56.Betty Heimann,Indian and Western Philosophy379

57.Irwin Edman,Philosopher's Holiday380

58.Evelyn Waugh,Edmund Campion381

59.Elizabeth Bowen,The Hotel383


61.Charles Reade,Griffith Gaunt or Jealousy385

62.Albert Guerard,Literature and Society387

63.Henry James,The Notebooks398

64.Evelyn Waugh,Put Out More Flags402

65.Nancy Mitford,Love in a Cold Climate404

66.J.-B.Rousseau,Les Petits Poetes du ⅩⅧe Siecle406

67.F.O.Matthiessen,Translation:An Elizabethan Art408

68.Apuleius Madanrensis,Metamorphoses412

69.The New Statesman and Nation416

70.Wilkie Collins,Armadale(to be continued)417

71.C.S.Baldwin,Renaissance Literary Theory and Practice418

72.Henry Brooke,The Fool of Quality421

73.George Savile,First Marquess of Halifax422

74.V.S.Pritchett,In My Good Books427

75.Marshall MacGregor,Studies and Diversions in Greek Literature430

76.Wilkie Collins,Armadale(continued)431

77.R.B.Brandt,The Philosophy of Schleiermacher432

78.Thomas Shadwell,The Complete Works434

79.Mona Wilson,The Life of William Blake434

80.George Gordon,Shakespearean Comedy and Other Studies436

81.Alexander Pope,Poems438

82.W.L.Schwartz,The Imaginative Interpretation of the Far East in Modern French Literature440

83.Morris R.Cohen,The Meaning of Human History451

84.Sidney Hook,The Hero in History456

85.R.G.Howarth(ed.),The Letters of Lord Byron460

86.William Rose,Men,Myths and Monuments in German Literature464


88.J.S.Kennard,Goldoni and the Venice of His Time470

89.Douglas Jerrold,Mrs.Candle's Curtain Lectures and Other Stories472

90.Bennett A.Cerf,The Pocket Book of Jokes474

91.Ernest de Selincourt,Wordsworthian and Other Studies476


93.Havelock Ellis,The Criminal481

94.Joseph Hone,W.B.Yeats487

95.Max Beerbohm,Works and More491

96.J.-M.Murry,Between Two Worlds493

97.George Boas,A Primer for Critics497


99.Angela Thirkell,High Rising499


101.Havelock Ellis,My Life500

102.C.S.Peirce,Collected Papers Vol.Ⅵ501

103.G.M.Young(ed.),Early Victorian England503

104.Walter Bagehot,Literary Studies,Vol.Ⅲ503

105.George W.E.Russell,One LookBack507

106.Peter Fleming,News from Tartary509

107.Hippolyte Parigot,Theatre Choisi des Auteurs Comiques du ⅩⅦe et du ⅩⅧe Siecle511

108.G.C.Flugel,Men and Their Motives516

109.Evelyn M.Simpson,A Study of the Prose Works of John Donne520

110.S.T.Coleridge,The Friend521

111.W.H.Walsh,Reason and Experience523

112.Nancy Mitford,The Pursuit of Love524

113.J.B.Rhine,Extra-Sensory Perception525

114.John O'Hara,Appointment in Samarra525

115.La Petite Illustration526

116.Thomas De Quincey,Collected Writings526

117.Frederick Rolfe,Hadrian the Seventh533

118.Walter Bagehot,Literary Studies535



119.Robert Louis Stevenson,The Letters539



120.Letters of Fanny Browne to Fanny Keats544

121.Frederick Page,Patmore:A Study in Poetry544

122.P.L.Harriman(ed.),Twentieth Century Psychology545

123.Elizabeth French Boyd,Byron's Don Juan547

124.Ernst Cassirer,Language and Myth(Sprache und Mythos)551

125.Amram Scheinfeld,Women and Men555

126.David Hume,Essays Moral,Political,and Literary557

127.Ignazio Silone,The Seed beneath the Snow559

128.Richard Llewellyn,None but the Lonely Heart560

129.Stray Notes561

130.Michael Innes,Appleby's End562

131.Ethel Mannin563

Modern Autobiography563

Confessions and Impressions564

132.The New Statesman and Nation565

133.David Low,Low on the War565

134.J.B.Priestley,Four Plays566

135.Jean Paul,Vorschule der Asthetik567

136.Excerpts from Letters in English without Author571

137.The Heritage of Kant573

138.E.Stuart Bates576

Modern Translation576


139.Martin Heidegger,Sein und Zeit584

140.R.A.Vaughan,Hours with the Mystics592



141.David Hume,The Letters599

142.C.K.Ogden,Bentham's Theory of Fictions603

143.The Diary of Samuel Pepys605









144.D.H.Lawrence,The Letters627

145.Ludwig Bemelmans,Small Beer630

146.Stendhal,De l'Amour631

Livre Ⅰ631

Livre Ⅱ637

147.Stray Notes640

148.Henry Miller,Tropic of Capricorn641

149.P.J.O'Brian,Will Rogers645

150.Max Black,Language and Philosophy646

151.Italo Svevo,As a Man Grows Older(Senilita)649

152.Confessions of Zeno650

153.Henry Miller,Tropic of Cancer651

154.Aldous Huxley,Grey Eminence657

155.Stray Notes662

156.Ellen Terry and Bernard Shaw,A Correspondence663

157.Everard Meynell,The Life of Francis Thompson666

158.Anatole France,La Vie Litteraire670

159.Eric Gill,Autobiography674

160. E.G.Trelawney,Letters678

161.Waldo H.Dunn,English Biography682

162.Walter Raleigh,Some Authors686

163.T.R.Glover,Greek Byways689

164.G.M.Young,Victorian England693

165.H.W.Horwill,An Anglo-American Interpreter695

166.Harold Acton,Peonies and Ponies697

167.Goblet d'Alviella,Ce que L'Inde doit a la Grece699

168.Jeremy Taylor,The Golden Grove701

169.Martin Luther,The Table Talks706

170.Edith Olivier,Dwarf's Blood709

171.Virginia Woolf,Roger Fry710

172.Wilkie Collins,After Dark711

173.Daniel Essertier,Les Formes Inferieures de l'Explication712

Author Index717

Title Index720
