

  • 金莉主编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海世界图书出版公司
  • ISBN:9787506288989
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:200页
  • 文件大小:32MB
  • 文件页数:215页
  • 主题词:英语-俚语-美国


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a blessing in disguise因祸得福1

a blind alley死胡同2

a bull in a china shop卤莽的人3

a close call千钧一发;险些4

a couch potato沙发土豆5

a fifth wheel多余的人或物6

a raw deal不公正的待遇7

a scaredy cat胆小鬼8

a shot in the dark瞎猜9

a smart cookie聪明人10

a stand-in替身11

a stand-out杰出人物12

a straw in the wind苗头;迹象13

a toss-up一半的机会;没准儿的事儿14

a white lie善意的、无伤大雅的谎言15

a wolf in sheep's clothing披着狼皮的羊16


all at sea茫然不知所措18

all bark and no bite只敢说不敢做19

an arm and a leg大价钱20

around the clock全天候21

ask for the moon痴人说梦;异想天开22

at arm's length保持一定距离23

at each other's throat吵架24

at the drop of a hat马上;随时25

at the end of one's rope极限;山穷水尽26


bad news讨厌鬼28

bark up the wrong tree找错门了29

be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth门第高贵;出自豪门30

be caught dead献丑;出洋相31

be cut from the same cloth如出一辙32

be green无经验;不成熟33

beat a dead horse徒劳34

beat around the bush避重就轻;绕圈子35

beats me我不知道36


bell the cat冒险;制约公害38

big cheese头儿,老大39

big picture重点;大局40

birthday suit裸体41

bite one's tongue保持缄默42

bite the bullet咬紧牙关;忍受困难43

black sheep无用之人;害群之马44

blue blood贵族血统45

break a leg祝你好运46

break one's neck拼命做某事47

break the ice打破僵局48

brown nose讨好;谄媚49

burn the candle at both ends透支体力和精力50

bury one's head in the sand逃避现实51

call the shots掌管大局;发号施令52

can't cut the mustard不能胜任53

catch some Zs小睡一下54

chew the fat聊天55

climb the wall焦虑;烦躁56

clock in打卡上班57

closed book神秘之物;谜58

cold fish冷冰冰的人59

cold turkey突然完全停止某种成瘾习惯60

come hell or high water就算天崩地裂61

cook someone's goose破坏某人的计划62

cook the books做假帐63

cross one's fingers祈祷;祝福64

Curiosity killed the cat.好奇害死猫65

cut corners节省开支66

cut the cheese放屁67

Dear John letter绝交信68


drop a dime打电话70

drop dead去死71

drop the ball出岔子;错过机会72

eat crow被迫认错73

everything but the kitchen sink几乎所有的东西74

face the music面对现实;接受后果75

feel like a million dollars感觉好极了76

feel no pain喝醉了77

flash in the pan昙花一现78

food for thought值得思考的东西79

get a second wind再度恢复精神80

get off on the wrong foot一开始就把事情弄糟了81

get the hang of掌握窍门;学会做某事82

give it a shot试试看83

give someone the slip设法避开某人84

give the shirt off one's back给予一切;献出一切85

go for broke全力以赴;孤注一掷86

go overboard过火87

go places成功;有成就88

go to the dogs衰败;破落89

go up in smoke成为泡影90

goose bumps鸡皮疙瘩91

happy as a clam无比惬意92

hat trick帽子戏法93

have a chip on one's shoulder叫板;忿忿不平94

have a cow大惊小怪;非常生气95

have a heart发发慈悲96

have a screw loose脑子有毛病97

have one's head in the clouds满脑子幻想;不切实际98

have one's number掌握底细;心里有数99

head over heels神魂颠倒100

highway robbery物价昂贵101

hit it off投缘,一见如故102

hit the nail on the head击中要害;一针见血103

hit the road上路104

hit the spot饮品食品令人满意、切合需要105

horse sense常识106

hot air夸夸其谈107

icing on the cake锦上添花108

in hot water面临严重困难109

in the dark不知道;不明白110

in the doghouse令某人生气;倒霉111

Jack of all trades样样精通112

jump the gun草率行事113

keep one's ear to the ground对事态极其关注114

kick one's ass彻底打败115

kick the bucket翘辫子;中断116

knock on wood老天保佑117

knuckle sandwich一记老拳118

labor of love不计报酬自愿承担的工作119

learn the ropes摸着门道120

let sleeping dogs lie别惹麻烦121

mad as a hatter疯了122

make a killing发大财123

make ends meet使收支平衡124

make no bones about对……直截了当、不加掩饰125

mall rat逛商厦迷126

miss the boat错失良机127

monkey business骗人的把戏,胡闹128

motor mouth多嘴男129

music to one's ears听起来很悦耳;好消息130

my way or the highway要么按我的方式去做,要么滚蛋131

neck and neck齐头并进,不相上下132

no brainer不必花脑筋就能完成的事物133

not lift a finger袖手旁观134

not one's day运气不佳135

nothing to write home about不重要;平淡无奇136

off the wall古怪的;离奇的137

on cloud nine无比幸福、快乐138

on one's high horse目中无人,自命清高139

on the house免费的140

on the right track走对路了141

on the rocks濒临危机142

once in a blue moon偶尔143

one-track mind一根筋;满脑子只想一件事144

out of this world太棒了,好极了145

pain in the neck讨厌到了极点146

peeking Tom偷窥狂147

pencil pusher坐办公室的人,不需要动劳力的人148

pick one's brain了解情况;征求意见149

pig out狼吞虎咽;大吃特吃150

play games捣鬼151

play hooky逃学,或者装病不去上班152

play it by ear看情况;见机行事153

play the woman撒娇;作女儿态154

plenty of other fish in the sea天涯何处无芳草155

pop the question求婚156

pull one's leg同某人开玩笑157

put one's best foot forward留下最好印象158

put one's foot in one's mouth说错话了159

rabbit food兔子的食物;素食160

rain check改天吧161

rake in the dough赚大钱162

rap sheet犯罪记录;前科163

read between the lines体会言外之意164

red tape官样文章,繁琐的程序165

red-letter day大日子166

right-hand man得力助手167

rock the boat找麻烦168

roll with the punches逆来顺受169

screw around胡闹,不作正经事170

see eye to eye看法相同;意见一致171

shake a leg赶快172

shoot hoops打篮球173

shoot the bull闲聊174

skate on the ice如履薄冰,身历险境175

sleep or it考虑一晚上176

small talk寒暄;闲聊177

smell fishy觉得不对头178

smell the flowers忙里偷闲;轻松一下179

spaced out昏昏沉沉;注意力不集中180

speak the same language持相同观点181

spill the beans泄露秘密182

steal the show大出风头183


straight from the horse's mouth消息可靠185

Sunday best最漂亮的衣服186

sweet tooth爱吃甜食187

take a bath蒙受严重的财政损失188

take a nose dive急剧恶化,猛跌暴落189

the last straw忍耐的极限190

the pot calling the kettle black五十步笑百步191

tie the knot结为连理192

top dog当权派;头儿193

toss one's cookies呕吐194

under the thumb受控制195

under your nose就在你鼻子底下196

up for grabs大家有份;等你来拿197

walk on air飘飘然198

wear your heart on your sleeve悲喜形于色199

wet behind the ears乳臭未干200
